This package is deprecated. You should be able to safely uninstall this from your project.
请注意,这里显示的 package.json 信息是由 API 返回的,并不是原始 package.json 数据。这意味着某些字段可能会被修改或删除。
"name": "dev.hai-vr.animator-as-code.v1.ndmf-processor",
"displayName": "Animator As Code V1 - NDMF Processor (Deprecated)",
"version": "1.1.0",
"unity": "2019.4",
"unityRelease": null,
"description": "This package is deprecated. You should be able to safely uninstall this from your project.",
"url": "",
"localPath": null,
"author": {
"name": "Haï~",
"email": null,
"url": null
"zipSHA256": "15b9f9e7425c084c38bcccd23082ee83e445d009429b7f00476c3284f0d56f70",
"legacyPackages": [],
"legacyFolders": {},
"legacyFiles": {},
"changelogUrl": "",
"dependencies": {},
"gitDependencies": {},
"vpmDependencies": {
"dev.hai-vr.animator-as-code.v1": ">=1.1.0 <2.0.0-a",
"": ">=1.2.0 <2.0.0-a"
"hideInEditor": null,
"keywords": [],
"license": "MIT",
"samples": [],
"headers": {},
"id": null
由 Haï~ 制作